Saturday, February 12, 2011

Day 43 - MOUNTAIN GOAT Hightail Ale

Beer 43 - Mountain Goat Hightail Ale.....first time.

Not sure if this one is meant to be consumed from the stubby, but as my photo shows - there's some crazy carbonation going on! I tried a second pour in another glass....with the same result.

As the bottle says, burnt amber in colour, that dark malt comes through loud and clear in the flavour also. Nicely hopped with a mild bitterness. I will be drinking again soon - YUM!

My rating....5

Yes, I did finish up drinking this one from the stubby.

Thought for the Day.....We just did a 5 hour round trip for lunch at my cousin's place for they're first born's christening. Worth every minute of travel time. Can never seem to spend enough time catching up with extended family!

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