Sunday, February 27, 2011


Beer 58 - Trumer Pils.....first time

Ok, I do love beer! But I'm finding that above all.....pilsener is my thing. Just love the full malt flavour - balanced with a hops bitterness.

In this case the malt is evident in both aroma and flavour, although it pours a very pale straw colour. Nicely carbonated, it's light and crisp to drink. Surprisingly mild bitterness that really doesn't linger, compared to many other pilseners. But boy is it smooth to drink!

My rating.....5

Thought for the Day.....Amazing how sometimes the simple things in life pick you up when you're feeling wiped out.

The kids helped mix a batch of homebrew non-al lemonade from a great recipe I found on the net (with real lemons!). We'll know what it's like in a couple of weeks!

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