Sunday, December 4, 2011

# 63 - EFES Pilsener

Beer 63 - Efes Pilsener

Spent a great day in a West End park on the Brisbane River, catching up with the rellies - celebrating my cousins' engagement....Congrats Lisa & Lance!!

This beer was a good choice, as it instantly engaged some of my more travelled cousins in speculating on its origin. Greece and Turkey were the immediate suggestions. Nice's from Istanbul, Turkey.

Really smooth Pilsener style beer. Big malt flavour, pale gold hue. Poured a tremendous 3 finger head, with good retention and lacing. It does have a nice mild hops finish. Had never seen this one before, but would be more than happy to drink it again!

My rating......4

Thought for the day......As you get a little older and hopefully wiser, you appreciate close family get-togethers. Busy lives prevent them from happening often enough!

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